Performances December 6-15
Audition Information:
Casting actors of all diversities. Presently all roles are available.
Please have tracks to sing with or prepared to sing a cappella.
Noon to 1:30 – Orphans/kids (will be double cast)
Children ages 7 and older who can appear ages 8-15
Be prepared to sing 32-bar cut of a song in the style of the show or from the show. May be asked to learn a short dance routine.
Sign up for an audition slot.
Orphan rehearsals will begin in September on Sundays from 1 to 3 to learn all music & dance routines. Please be advised that all the Orphans will be double cast so if they are unable to make a rehearsal or performance please let us know as soon as possible so we can make the schedule work.
2:00 to 4:00 - Adults
Seeking non-union performers for various roles
Many of the adult roles will be cast as multiple characters. Be prepared to sing 32 bars of a song in the style of the show or from the show. May be asked to learn a short dance routine.
Sign up for an audition slot
Adults rehearsals will begin Monday, November 18th. Times will be announced after casting in order to work around schedules. We will also if possible try to work before that date with Miss Hannigan, Rooster & Lily plus ensemble dances to learn choreography.
4:00 to 5:00 – Teens & Adults
Seeking performers interested in being in the dance/singing ensemble
Be prepared to learn a short dance routine and sing 16 bars of a song in the style of the show or from the show.
Sign up for an audition slot.
Also Seeking:
Costumer, Sound & Lighting Technicians, Stage Manager, Prop master, backstage hands, Assistant Directors and Choreographers (contact us at
Needed a trained dog to play SANDY (contact us at