Portrait Painting Workshop
June 27, 28, and 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Facilitated by Laurel Stern Boeck
Class Size Limit: 10
Fee: $375 members
“The best portraits both capture the essence of the subject, and
infuse the painting with the spirit of their life.”
Contact LindaMaryMasten@gmail.com ​
Please send your check within two weeks to
Monument Art & Cultural Center, 44 Gypsy Lane, Bennington, VT 05201
Non-Refundable Fee after May 1, 2025
This class is for those passionate about capturing the essence of their subject. Through careful observation of source material, we will focus on conveying character, storytelling, and the spirit of the subject. You’ll explore key compositional elements for creating dynamic paintings, while also examining the structure and form of the head. Techniques for mixing colors to achieve nuanced skin tones will be taught, along with how atmosphere and background contribute to the overall portrait. Whether you are a professional, student, or beginner, individual guidance will be provided at every stage. Each artist will receive personalized attention to help reach their unique goals. While oil painting is the primary medium, participants are welcome to work in drawing, pastels, or acrylics.
Be ready to work hard, make new friends, and most importantly – have fun!
Bring a few photo references to use for your portrait painting. I will also supply a few reference
photos to choose from if you do not have photos of your own.
Paint or Pastel
White (Titanium)
Cadmium Yellow
Yellow Ochra
Raw Sienna
Cadmium Red
Transparent red oxide or Burnt Sienna
Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine Blue
Raw Umber
Ivory Black
Extra colors: (not required, but useful) Sap Green, Dioxazine Purple and Cerulean blue
Brushes - Any brushes are fine to use. Some of my favorites are:
Bristle Hair: Sizes #2, #3, #4, #6 – Filbert
Fan Brush Bristle Hair
Sable Hair – Kolinski sable round (small brush for details)
Any size is welcome
Plan to bring 1 or 2 canvases
Tone canvases before class so the canvas is not white. A medium tone is helpful.
Paint – canvas can be toned with acrylic paint the day before or if you want to use oil paint it must be toned one week before painting.
Pastel – paper is usually already toned.
Acrylic – can be toned the day before.
Additional materials:
Tracing paper
Gamsol or any odorless mineral spirits (NO Turpentine or Natural Turpinoid!)
Medium linseed oil
Palette knife
Palette cups
Rags or paper towels
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Laurel Boeck is a classically trained artist celebrated as one of the nation’s foremost portrait painters. Her lifelong fascination with the human subject and dedication to her craft are evident in the timeless quality of her work. Through her authentic approach and attention to fine detail, she captures the likeness and essence of her subjects. Her work can be seen in private collections, boardrooms, universities, supreme courts, and Washington institutions. For more about Laurel and her work, visit www.boeckstudio.com.