Oil Painting Landscape Workshop
June 6, 7 & 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Facilitated by Andrew Orr
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from award-winning Vermont artist Andrew Orr.
Andrew’s workshop will be limited to only 9 students in order to offer a more personal experience.
Fee: $400
To Register:
- Sign up by contacting Linda Masten: lindamarymasten@gmail.com
- Mail check payable to Monument Arts & Cultural Center to 44 Gypsy Lane, Bennington, VT 05201.
- Fee payment is expected with two weeks of registration.
Non-Refundable Fee after May 1, 2025
Workshop Description:
To celebrate the beginning of summer, this workshop will be a studio class focused on elements of painting the landscape in a more realistic style. This work can be achieved through the use of plein air studies, sketches and photographs. Our primary focus will be working from photos, I provide, as a class project which will incorporate many elements found in the bucolic Vermont landscape. This will allow participants to work at their own pace using the format I present for landscape painting; shape, form and detail are concepts which are the foundation of finished studio work in my particular style of painting. Participants are encouraged to bring in their own images for ideas on how to use them in a painting as well.
Throughout the course, we will discuss
color mixing
brushwork and knife work
using plein air studies for studio work
using multiple images for inspiration of studio paintings
ideas for “seeing”paintings in the landscape
The workshop will offer demonstrations, time for individual painting and group critiques. My aim as an instructor is not on finishing a painting in our time together, but rather to give the participants ideas, inspirations and tools to help in their own artistic development outside of the class.
While my style of landscape painting is realistic in nature, the class is open to those working in a more broad painting style. All of the elements of the class can be translated into more impressionistic ways of seeing and interpreting the landscape.
Suggested Supply List:
Paints: Please choose artist quality pigments, I generally use Gamblin for the blues, yellows, reds and Daler Rowney for all earth tones.​
Alizarin Crimson
Cad Yellow light or Hansa Yellow Light
Cad Yellow Dark or Hansa Yellow Dark
Viridian Green
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Titanium White or Flake White Replacement. I would suggest staying away from Premalba White as the drying time is simply too long.
Earth Tones: Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre-Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Ivory Black
Other colors at student's choice
Odorless mineral spirits, I use this for a medium as well as for cleaning of brushes...a good size jar or coffee can. Bring an extra jar as well, for pouring off the clean turps each day.
Liquin or any other drying painting medium such as Japan Dryer or alkyd gel medium
Small amount of refined linseed oil.
Please note there are many mediums on the market each having their own unique purpose and feel. Walnut oil is very slick and I would not recommend this for this class.
Brushes, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 1 I tend to use flats, but also have an assortment of rounds that I am using more and more. Please also have some very fine brushes; a liner or a rigger
Rubber wipe out tool or color shaper with a fine point
Palette Knife
Cotton swabs
Paper Towels
Palette (palette pads are great for class work and easy clean up)
Bag for rubbish
Cotton cloth
Sketchbook, sketching pencils, eraser, ruler
Three 9 x 12 panels, I would also have an 8 x 10 or even a 12 x 16. You can also tape canvas to a board or other hard surface, which can then be mounted later. I choose this option often.
Note: I tend to paint on very smooth surfaces. Some of the techniques I use work better on a less textured surface. 9 x 12 gesso coated Masonite panels sanded very smooth work well.
Andrew Orr (b. 1969)
Beginning his artistic endeavors at an early age, Andrew Orr received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music after which he began his studies in art with courses at the University of New Mexico with impressionist Carol McIlroy, David P. Curtis and Joseph McGurl. Orr’s work has shown in many locations in the United States, has won awards with National juried exhibitions of the Oil Painters of America, the Salmagundi Club, the American Artist’s Professional League and the Guild of Boston Artists. His work has been featured in several one-person exhibitions.
An elected member of the Guild of Boston Artists, Andrew Orr’s awards include the Alden Bryan Prize awarded by the Guild and the Alden Bryan Medal through Bryan Memorial Gallery, Vermont. Additional awards include the Barbara Carter Award for Excellence from the Oil Painters of America, he is three times the winner of the Arthur T Hill Award for a Landscape from the Salmagundi Club, the Claude Parsons Award for a Landscape and the Helen DeCozen Award for a floral, both from the American Artists Professional League. He is the recipient of the Charles Movalli Medal for Excellence in Painting. Orr received recognition with his work winning First Place Overall with Plein Air Magazine’s, Plein Air Salon monthly competition March 2021. An award winner with regional Plein Air events, Andrew received Best in Show with Plein Air Vermont, 2012 awarded by M. Stephen Doherty, editor, Plein Air Magazine. His work was selected as a finalist as part of Art Renewal Center’s International Salon and a feature story about his work appeared in the 2013 April-May Issue of Plein Air Magazine and in August, 2015, American Art Review. In 2019 he was listed as An Artist to Watch by the publication, Vermont Art Guide.
Andrew has conducted classes for almost twenty years in a variety of mediums from watercolor, over glaze on porcelain and now, exclusively, oil painting. His teaching has allowed him to travel and conduct classes in 38 of 50 states, locations in Vermont, Australia, New Zealand and multiple times in Great Britain.